Men’s Group at Cowichan Station Hub, 7 pm Wednesdays at the back of the gym. Support and Accountability.
In this book, Gary Wilson presents a wealth of evidence that fast Internet porn can have harmful addictive effects. The series of highly favourable reviews of this book on both American and UK Amazon bear witness to just how relevant and helpful it has already been. The book is written in a simple clear language appropriate for expert and layperson alike and is rooted firmly within the principles of neuroscience, behavioural psychology and evolution theory. The suggested ways of addressing the problem are also based upon established principles of behavioural psychology and do not involve probing the depths of the unconscious mind or years of expensive therapy. The book does not preach a moralistic message.
“We help people reboot their brains with encouragement and education. Reboot is a complete rest from artificial sexual stimulation (i.e. pornography). We are a community of people who have discovered the negative effects of pornography. If you or loved ones struggle with porn addiction and/or porn-induced sexual dysfunctions, this place is for you!”
On this site you will find many resources and information to equip you with the tools necessary to start recovering today and become more aware of the potential harm caused by high-speed internet porn.
‘Why I stopped Watching Porn’ by Ran Gavrieli
TedTalk on YouTube
Within this site exists free, self-help, recovery resources for sex addicts, love addicts and porn addicts that cannot be found anywhere else. In fact, anyone struggling with any type of sexually compulsive behavior — whether you consider it an addiction or not — can benefit from Recovery Nation. Each resource was built to assist you, your partner and/or anyone seeking to fully understand the sex, love and porn addictions in such a way as to facilitate a permanent recovery and/or healing process.
What is addiction – Gabor Mate
A renowned speaker, and bestselling author, Dr. Gabor Maté is highly sought after for his expertise on a range of topics including addiction, stress and childhood development. Dr. Mate’s website is rich with resources: